50 Jewish Objects Artwork


As part of the activities of the 50 Jewish Objects project, creative pieces are commissioned for contemporary artists in response to selected artefacts from the John Rylands Library and the research produced by Dr Stefania Silvestri.

Juliet Goodden

Response to Maimonides butterfly fragmentResponse to Karaite manuscript of a Crimean Tartar translation of the Pentateuch

 Response to St. John’s Gospel fragment









Juliet has created a workshop on how to create your own collage. Watch the video here.


Atar Hadari

Atar has created the Gethsemane suite of poems, focused on the figure of Jesus, inspired by the fragment of the New Testament from the Gospel of John which is part of the 50 Jewish Objects project.

Read the poems or watch and listen to Atar's performance.

Read more about the artistic process of creating the Gethsemane suite in Atar's blog posts.


Leo Mercer

Manchester Poet (and R&T alumnus) Leo Mercer presents 'Scroll', a new sequence of Twitter poems. This series of one-a-day poems was specially commissioned for the Centre for Jewish Studies' 50 Jewish Objects Project, which draws on the collections of Manchester University's John Rylands Library, amongst others. Read the poems or watch the animated performance of the poems below.

Poem 1 Foreword
Poem 2 19:30, Manchester
Poem 3 19:17, Pontypridd
Poem 4 18:54, Keinang
Poem 5 18:53, Calcutta 
Poem 6 17:92, Berlin
Poem 7 15:58, Mantua 
Poem 8 15:00, Venice 
Poem 9 11:90, Cairo 
Poem 10 02:00, Oxyrrynchus
Poem 11 10: 22:00, Sinai
Poem 12 Afterword

Kremena Dimitrova
Deconstruct : Reconstruct - Turning a 14C Jewish Manuscript into 21C Comic Strips

The blog by Kremena Dimitrova was commended in the 2020 Social History Society Postgraduate Prize.
Kremena's talk and workshop to create your own comic strip can be watched here


Nicola Dale
Arranged in Time and Space


Be inspired by Nicola to create your own art: watch the video or follow her instructions.

Helena Tomlin
Lodz Banquet 

For an audio journal of the Lodz Banquet project see link.

Menorah Synagogue Choir directed by Ruti Worrall
Jewish Voices: Modern Songs and Songs by Jacob Bachmann, Odessa (Shirat Ya'aqov)


Jacqueline Nicholls
Handle with Care - The traces and the spaces that our bodies leave behind

Find all the images of Jacqueline Nicholls' artwork here.


Read more about the artists' experiences of the project on the 50 Jewish Objects blog. 

Featured in the British Association for Jewish Studies (BAJS) July 2020 bulletin 

Article on the 'Jewish material culture and artists’ responses to it' by Alex Samely can be read here.