David Ayerst, Guardian; Biography of a Newspaper (London: William Collins, 1971)
HM Blumberg, Weizmann; his Life and Times (Tel Aviv: American-Israel Publishing Co, 1975)
*GN Burkhardt, ‘Weizmann and the University of Manchester’ (Manchester University)
A Chouraqui, Theodore Herzl (Paris: 1952)
Israel Cohen, A Short History of Zionism (Muller, 1951)
Monty Dobkin, Tales of Manchester Jewry (Manchester: Neil Richardson, 1986)
Monty Dobkin, It’s All Different Now (Manchester: Neil Richardson, 1989)
Monty Dobkin, More Tales of Manchester Jewry (Manchester: Neil Richardson, 1994)
David Freeman, ‘Zionism in Manchester’ in The Zionist Review (April 1934)
David Freeman, ‘Ten Years of Progress’ in The Zionist Review (April 1944)
David Freeman, ‘Jewish Manchester hasn’t changed… it only moved up the road’ in The Jewish Gazette (28 August 1951)
David Freeman, ‘Talmud Torah Memories’ in The Jewish Gazette (26 June 1959)
Rosalie Gassman-Sherr, The Story of the Federation of Women Zionists of Great Britain and Ireland; 1918-1988 (London: WIZO, 1968)
Frances Guy, Rickie Burman, Bill Williams, Women of Worth; Jewish Women in Britain (Manchester Jewish Museum, 1992)
JL Hammond, CP Scott and the Manchester Guardian (London: G Bell, 1934)
Elsie Harris and Beth Wilkins, Women’s Zionist Council; A Brief History (unpublished)
Lucien Harris, From Manchester to Jerusalem (Jerusalem, Yuval press, 1994)
Tony Kushner, ed, The Jewish Heritage in British History; Englishness and Jewishness (London: Frank Cass, 1992)
J Laird, ed, Samuel Alexander; Philosophical and Literary Pieces (London: Macmillan, 1939)
S Levenberg, The Jews and Palestine (London: Poale Zion: Jewish Socialist Labour Party, 1945)
R Pares & AJP Taylor, Essays Presented to Sir Lewis Namier (London: Macmillan, 1956)
Jeuda Reinharz, Chaim Weizmann; the Making of a Zionist Leader (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985)
Norman Rose, Lewis Namier and Zionism (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980)
Israel Sieff, Memoirs (1970)
Harry Sacher, Zionist Portraits and Essays (Blond, 1959)
SH Segerman, Zionist Leaders (London: Federation of Zionist Youth, ND)
I Slotki, 70 Years of Hebrew Education; 1880-1950 (Manchester: Manchester Central Board for Hebrew Education, 1950)
Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (Hong Kong: Papermac, 1975)
Speaking for Women; Rebecca Sieff and the WIZO Movement (Tel Aviv: The Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, 1990)
Bill Williams, The Making of Manchester Jewry, 2nd ed, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1985)
Bill Williams, Manchester Jewry; A Pictorial History (Manchester: Archive Publications, 1988)
Bill Williams, Religion, City and Community; the Life and Times of Sir Sidney Hamburger (unpublished)
Bill Williams, ‘Zionism in Manchester’ (unpublished)
Bill Williams, ‘Rebecca Sieff’ (unpublished)
Group of Manchester Zionists (© Manchester Jewish Museum), Cheetham Hill Road (© Manchester Jewish Museum), Jewish Hospital (© Manchester Jewish Museum), Red Bank (© Manchester Jewish Museum), Mrs Samuel Claff (© Manchester Jewish Museum)
President of the Order of Ancient Maccabeans (© Manchester Jewish Museum), Regalia of the Order of Ancient Maccabeans (Manchester Jewish Museum), B'noth Zion (Mamlock House, Manchester), Manchester Reform Synagogue (I Slotki, 70 Years of Hebrew Education), H Cohen (I Slotki, 70 Years of Hebrew Education)
Israel Sunlight (I Slotki, 70 Years of Hebrew Education, Talmud Torah (I Slotki, 70 Years of Hebrew Education), Queen's Hotel (Central Reference Library, Manchester), Saul Rosenberg (Jewish Gazette), Waterproof garment makers (M Dobkin, More Tales of Manchester Jewry)
Oswald Mosley (Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley), Ralph de Groot (Ralph de Groot), Marriage of I Sieff and R Marks (Speaking for Women; Rebecca Sieff and the WIZO Movement), James Balfour (M Dobkin, Tales of Manchester Jewry), Manchester News Houses (M Dobkin, Tales of Manchester Jewry)
Weizmann's Lab (HM Blumberg, Weizmann; his Life and Times), Frankie Vaughan and S Hamburger (Jewish Gazette), Zionist Stamp featuring Herzl (Mamlock House, Manchester)
Letter from CP Scott to Weizmann 15 Nov 1914 (Patricia Cummings), Letter from CP Scott to Weizmann 3 June 1915 (Patricia Cummings)
Letter from CP Scott to Samuel Montagu 21 Aug 1916 (Patricia Cummings), Letter regarding Weizmann's participation in 1907 Zionist Congress (Patricia Cummings)
Letter from CP Scott to Weizmann 19 Nov 1918 (John Rylands Library, © The Guardian), Letter from CP Scott to Nathan Laski 10 July 1929 (John Rylands Library, © The Guardian), Letter from Israel Zangwill to CP Scott 9 Nov 1916 (John Rylands Library, © The Guardian)
Letter from Joseph Cowen to CP Scott 30 Oct 1918 (John Rylands Library, © The Guardian), Memorial Service for Chaim Weizmann (John Rylands Library, © The Guardian), Letter from Nathan Laski to CP Scott 8 July 1929 (John Rylands Library, The Guardian )
Letter from Winston Churchill to Weizmann 5 Aug 1944 (John Rylands Library, © The Guardian), Letter from Order of Ancient Maccabeans 1947 (© Manchester Jewish Museum), Advert for Zionist Banner (Mamlock House, Manchester), Advert for Youth Zionist Bazaar 1954 (Mamlock House, Manchester)
Manchester Jewish Museum
Oral Histories
J5 Ben Ainley speaks about the Junior Zionist group he joined around 1918, and about his involvement in Poale Zion soon after. Recalls the Poale Zion leader Leon Locker.
J58 Theodore Herzyl Chadwick speaks about the Order of Ancient Maccabeans and its junior branch. Recalls M Sortman and Reuben Goldstone as members.
J79 Dora Englesberg speaks about Zionist activity in Manchester, and on Hebrew classes. Arrived in Manchester in 1920s. Belonged to the Jewish Literary Society, and also to Prestwich Women Zionists around WWII.
J80 Robert Epstein speaks about Junior Zionist Society in 1901, selling stamps for Jewish Colonial Trust, and Hebrew classes. Recalls the 1906 Poale Zion conference in Manchester, and the Zionist leaders TB Herwald, Dr Dulberg, Harry Dagutski, Isaiah Wassilevsky (president of Poale Zion) and Leon Simon. Also recalls Chaim Weizmann speaking in Yiddish and the positive effect.
J85 David Freeman speaks about the Junior Zionist Society, the Order of Ancient Maccabeans (which he joined in the 1920s), and Habonim. Recalls CP Scott’s help of the Zionists, and the notables Nathan Laski and Lord Rothschild.
J86 Dr Moshe Friedlander speaks about attitudes to Zionism in Europe and in Manchester in 1920s. Recalls rabbis Wassilevsky and Yaffe.
J89 Joe Garman speaks about the socialist Zionist youth group Hechalutz, his anti-fascist activities and the development of Marxist Zionism.
J98 Minnie Gold speaks about the first meeting of the Daughters of Zion in the Midland Hotel, about 1920. Recalls Helena Weisberg.
J127 Abraham Jacobs speaks about the Jewish Hospital.
J128 Estelle Jacobs speaks briefly about the Higher Broughton and Crumpsall Women’s Zionist Organisation.
J153 Lily Lee speaks about Junior Zionist Society activities, curtailed by WWI. Recalls Isaiah and Fanny Wassilevsky, M Sortman, Louis Golding.
J179 Jack Mendleson speaks about belonging to the King David Beacon (Order of Ancient Maccabeans, junior section). Recalls the Doniger family, and the demise of the Order of Ancient Maccabeans in 1930s.
J205 Selina Roland speaks of Zionist Youth movements, the men’s Zionist groups and Colonial Trust Shares. Also recalls Helena Weisberg.
J209 Saul Rosenberg speaks about Isaiah Wassilevsky and his cheder.
J229 Mrs Marjorie Smith speaks about her father Samuel Claff, his character, his business, his involvement in Jewish communal affairs including Chovevei Zion.
J240 Mrs M Sullivan speaks about her father, Mordacai Sortman, and his cheder.
J275 Saul Reece speaks about Isaiah Wassilevsky and his cheder.
J287 May Kaufman speaks about her work as a nurse at the Jewish Hospital.
03ARA001 ‘The Yom Kippur War’
03ASS001 ‘The Organisation of Zionism’
03BRI011 ‘Memorandum on the Jewish Agency.’ Appendix of Documents. (1923-29)
03CEN016 Israel Sieff, ‘The Miracle of Israel’ in the Gates of Zion (Jan 1956)
03CEN017 Israel Sieff, ‘Zionism and the Diaspora’ in the Gates of Zion (July 1956)
03COH005 Joseph Cohen, ‘The Communist Challenge and the Zionist Reply’ (1936)
03GOL001 N Goldenberg, ‘The Organisation of Zionism Pt 2’ (1936)
03JAK001 Immanuel Jakobvits, ‘The Attitude to Zionism of Britain’s Chief Rabbis as Reflected in their Writings’ (1981)
03JNF001 ‘Synopsis: the History of Jewish Colonisation in Palestine; 1860-1935’
03JSL001 ‘Declaration by the Jewish Socialist Labour Conference (Aug 1917)
03KER016 Simon Marks, ‘Anglo-Jewry and Palestine’ (1941)03LEV003 S Levenberg, ‘The British Road to Zion’ (1974)
03LIV001-007 Annual Reports of the Liverpool Zionist Central Council
03POA001 ‘Poale Zion; Some aspects of the Histadruth’ (1941)
03POA002 ‘Poale Zion Information’ (1946)
03POA003 ‘Labour and the Jewish People’ (1943)
03PRE001 ‘The Jewish Labour Movement in Palestine’ (1928)
03SAC001 Harry Sacher, ‘The Mandate and the Building of a New Palestine’ (1943)
03SAC003 Harry Sacher, ‘Jewish Emancipation: the Contract Myth’
03SEG001 SH Segerman, ‘Zionist Leaders’ (1936)
03SHI001 Sidney L Shipton, '80 Years of the British Zionist Federation’ (1979)
03SIM002 Leon Simon, ‘Synopsis of the Haskalah Movement’ (1934)
03SIM003 Leon Simon, ‘Forerunners of Zionism’
03SIM005 Leon Simon, ‘Ahad Ha-Am’ (1927)
03SIM006 Leon Simon, ‘The Elements of Zionism for Young Zionists’ (1934)
03WOM001 WIZO Reader’s Digest
03WEI001 Chaim Weizmann, ‘Palestine’s Rôle in the Solution of the Jewish Problem’ (1942)
03WEI003 Chaim Weizmann, ‘The Position in Palestine’ (1930)
03WEI004 Chaim Weizmann, ‘The Jewish People and Palestine’ (1939)
03WEI005 Chaim Weizmann, ‘The Jewish Case Against the Palestine White Papers’ (June 1939)
03WEI009 Chaim Weizmann, ‘The Zionist Movement; 1916-1931’
03ZIO002 ‘Weizmann Centenary Exhibition’ (1974)
03ZIO019 ‘The Zionist Central Council of Manchester’ (16th annual report, 30 Sept 1945)
03ZIO019 ‘The Jewish Training Farm’ (1936)
03ZIO020 Chaim Weizmann, ‘On the Jewish National Home’ speech at Oxford University (1922)
09MAN001 ‘History of Manchester Congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews; 1873-1923’
09JEW006 B Jaffe, ‘The British Press and Zionism in Herzl’s Time’ (Jewish Historical Society, 1975)
09SAL001 Sidney Salomon, ‘The Deputies; 1760-1937’
John Rylands University Library Manchester, including Guardian Archives (The Guardian ©)
CP Scott Correspondence (with Samuel Alexander, Winston Churchill, Joseph Cowen, W Jabotinsky, Nathan Laski, David Lloyd-George, Oswald Mosley, Harry Sacher, Herbert Samuel, Herbert Sidebotham, Chaim Weizmann, Israel Zangwill)
AP Wadsworth Correspondence (with Nathan Laski, Lewis Namier, Harry Sacher, Herbert Sidebotham, Chaim Weizmann, Zionist Central Council, Zionist Federation)
Samuel Alexander Papers (correspondence with AJ Balfour, Nathan Laski, CG Montefiore, Herbert Samuel, Arthur Schuster, Chaim Weizmann).
‘The Weizmann File’, unofficial collection of misc. papers, in care of Patricia Cummings
UA/27-8 Manchester University Magazine (vols 1-13, 1904-17)
UA/30-1 Journal of University of Manchester (vol. 1, 1937-9)
UA/37 Manchester University Chemical Society Magazine (nos 1-4, 1932-5)
UA/56 News Bulletin, newspaper of MU Unions
UA/51 The Serpent, magazine of MU Unions (1917-41)
Local Studies Unit: Manchester Central Library Archives; Jewish Collections
C15 Jewish Holiday Home for Mothers and Babies, Lynn 1922-1967
M102 Dunwood House Children’s Hostel 1951-54
M102, M533 Jewish Refugees Committee 1939-1954
M111 Manchester School Camps Association 1918-1949
M112 Jewish Refugees Committee, Egypt 1956-57
M121 Manchester United Synagogue and Beth Hamidrash Hagodol, Cheetham Hill Road, 1921-1966
M129 Manchester Jewish Burial Society (formally Manchester Burial Society of Polish Jews Ltd); minutes 1901-33; 1937-53
M130 Jewish Lads’ Brigade; minutes and annual reports 1908-39
M139 Manchester Great and New Synagogue 1825-1965
M149 Manchester Zionist Association 1941-1965 (restricted issue)
M152 Manchester Benevolent Society (formally Russian Jews Benevolent Society) 1905-1967
M154 Jewish Working Men’s Club 1922-1962
M182 Manchester Jewish Board of Guardians 1867-1937 (restricted issue)
M184 Manchester Council of Christians and Jews (included in records of Manchester and Salford Council of Social Service 1908-71)
M191 Dr Israel Wolf Slotki, Hebrew educationalist, scholar and minister; papers 1906-1973 (includes Hebrew Visitation Board for Manchester, Salford and District 1914-19, 1922-71)
M200 Isaac W Goldberg, textile and wholesale warehouseman, papers 1915-63
M214 Nathan Family, Manchester, papers 1786-1975
M236 Manchester Jewish Literary and Social Society 1924-1945
M237 Institute of Jewish Studies, Manchester 1934-72
M239 Leon Locker of Manchester, Hebraist and Zionist papers 1907-1973: includes records of Foreign Jews Protection Committee 1917-18, Manchester Jews Comforts and Advisory Committee 1918-19
M244 Salomo Pinkasovitch, ‘the Jewish Caruso’, papers 1902-1977
M331 Didsbury and South Manchester Women’s Zionist Society 1932-1976
M341 B’nai B’rith Women’s Lodge; minutes 1932-76
M348 Manchester Daughters of Zion; minutes 1943-58
M349 Jewish Women’s Discussion Group 1953-75
M350 Lucien Harris of Crumpsall, president of Manchester Zionist Youth Coucil; papers 1933-58
M408 Chevra Tillim Synagogue, Cheetham 1935-55
M409 Cheetham Hebrew Congregation accounts 1961-78
M420 Order of Ancient Maccabeans and Friendly Society 1911-78; includes B’nai B’rith Women’s Lodge; accounts 1969-75
M421 Manchester Central Board for Hebrew Education and Talmud Torah 1917-54 (draft list)
M442/1 Manchester Central Synagogue 1840-1964
M442/2 North Manchester Synagogue, Prestwich 1895-1973
M443 Manchester Hebrew Visitation Board of Religious Ministration - in the Manchester Regional Hospital
Area; minutes 1921-71
M448 Manchester Sechita [sic] Board 1926-65; Manchester Hebrew Burial Board; minutes 1925-72; accounts 1892-55 (restricted issue)
M495 Tobias Kletz; letters 1875-1885
M533 Jewish Refugees Committee; papers of Rae Barash 1938-47
M599 Lionel Cowan papers (unlisted)
M609/2 Manchester Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad; minutes 1945-48
Misc/556/1,2 Circumcision registers of Prosper Mesod Zicree 1873-1912
Centre for Jewish and Non-Jewish Relations, Southampton University
MS 116/10 Papers regarding Franks family of Manchester 1782-1858
MS 116/12 Copies of 2 deeds regarding Manchester Synagogue, Park Place (lease of land 1856, assignment of land 1900)
MS 116/43 Papers regarding Manchester Congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews 1873-1923
MS 116/44 Papers of the English Zionist Federation (March 1909-May 1910)
MS 116/49 Transcript reminiscences of Solomon Mattatia (d1958), member of Manchester Congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews
MS 120 Franklin family papers 1764-1935
MS 137 Anglo-Jewish Association Papers (including Manchester)
MS 144 papers of the Committee to convene a conference of Anglo-Jewry to consider the Balfour Declaration (including Harry Sacher and Chaim Weizmann)
MS 147 papers of David Mellows 1898-1962, secretary of the Association of Jewish Youth (including Manchester)
MS 174/a/iii Papers about eminent German Jews in Victorian Britain c1907-1977 (including Manchester)
MS 179 Papers of Harold Levy 1951-76 (inspector of Hebrew classes in Manchester)
The Working Class Movement Library, Manchester
Jews F34 Box 16
Jewish Question F28 Box 3 James Watts, ‘The Palestinian Problem and Loyal British Jews’ (July 1947)
Uncatalogued: Jews
National Museum of Labour History, Manchester
Communist Party of Great Britain Speaker’s Notes and Information Sheets (for propaganda purposes):
CP/CENT/SPN/1/10 ‘Information notes on Zionism and Anti-Semitism’ (1952)
CP/CENT/SPN/1/12 ‘Imperialism in the Middle East’ (14 Dec 1955)
CP/CENT/SPN/1/13 ‘The Suez Canal Conference’ (16 Aug 1956)
CP/CENT/SPN/2/8 ‘West Germany and Nazi Criminals’ (5 March 1965)
CP/CENT/SPN/2/9 ‘Background to the Middle East Crisis’ (8 June 1967)
CP/CENT/SUBJ/04/01 Leaflets including ‘Jews take away the Britishers Jobs’ (1930s)
CP/CENT/SUBJ/04/05 Leaflets from various organisations including Jewish Labour Council, Jewish Protest Committee, Petition Committee for Increased Immigration into Palestine
CP/CENT/SUBJ/04/08 Leaflets from varous organisations including George Lansbury’s ‘Anti-Semitism in the east End’
Police Museum, Manchester
Watch Committee (dealt with requests for demonstrations, processions, etc.)
Thieves Albums (personal and professional details)
Press Cuttings (related to Policing in Manchester)
Calendars of Prisoners
General Orders (day to day policing instructions)
Aliens Registers